"Our Menopause Rebalance Programme enables women to build a toolkit that works with their life, to manage their menopause symptoms and health priorities everyday."

Claire Hurst, owner of The Rebalance Clinic

I have helped hundreds of women rebalance their menopause and using my expertise as a menopause specialist, my knowledge as a trained acupuncturist, role as a mycologist (gut health) and my passion for fasting to rebalance hormones and weight loss, I have carefully created this programme to enable you to build an effective menopause rebalance toolkit.

Each week you will receive an auricular acupuncture treatment ( with growing clinical trials showing its benefits in helping to reduce menopause symptoms ) and then in our small intimate group we will explore topics that affect us in Menopause.

I will educate and empower you to understand so much more about your menopause journey and the changes happening. From gut health to anxiety, exploring why HRT might not be working and what you can do to support your body, how to manage menopause without HRT to fasting and weight loss this comprehensive course will help you rebalance, reconnect and restore in your menopause journey.

This 6 week course in our Addingham Clinic, costs £200 and includes :-

An introductory 1-2-1 zoom consultation with Claire

Weekly auricular acupuncture in small group setting ( max 4 )

Menopause Rebalance Education on all the above

Time to share your experiences or listen to others

A beautiful Rebalance notebook for you write notes, journal and build your toolkit

A homemade gut health kombucha shot

Group auricular acupuncture (tiny needles inserted into the
ear only) is one of my favourite treatments for women who are in the menopause. 

The atmosphere in all our sessions is so supportive, women really feel safe to be honest about how they are feeling and the acupuncture results are incredible. 

(see below real life case studies)

results from our group menopause acupuncture sessions

Real Results

These are real results from a lady who came for 6 weekly group acupuncture sessions.

Register Your Interest

"I can’t believe the difference it has made to me. The group setting was wonderful. I really enjoyed each week and loved the guided meditation”

Group participant


Here are just some of the benefits people have experienced in our 6 week course :-

  • Reduced night sweats
  • Lower anxiety
  • Improved sleep
  • More energy
  • Irritability reduced
  • Joint and muscle pains eased
  • Deeper understanding the menopause
  • Creating a toolkit to manage menopause symptoms
Email Me To Register Your Interest


What happens during the group sessions?

During your treatment we will use specific acupuncture points in the ear to help relieve and reduce your menopause symptoms. You are fully clothed and seated for your treatment in a warm cosy room. Lasting around 45 minutes – 1 hour you will have the needles gentle inserted and then 20 minutes of ultra relaxing
guided meditation will follow.

How many people will be at the session?

We have a maximum group size of 10 to keep these session intimate and cosy.

Do I need to bring anything ?

We have everything you need. We recommend you wear comfortable clothing and tie your hair back for your treatment sessions.

I am on medication, can I still come ?

There are very few contraindications with auricular acupuncture but as part of your screening we will ask you about your medication before your first session and if necessary we can liaise with your GP to check you are able to attend.

What if I can’t attend a session?

As this is a course of 6 week we really would love you to come each week but if you do miss a session you will still get benefits. We are sometimes able to add
you to other sessions taking place that week but can’t guarantee this.

Our Research

As part of the group acupuncture we would like you to be part of our research to
drive awareness of the benefits of this for menopausal women. It is completely
anonymous and just involves a few simple questions each week noting your symptoms and any changes. We use the menopause rating scale which is a health-related quality of life scale and recognised as a leading system to measure health related quality of life and symptoms from women in the menopause and is internationally accepted.

At the start of each session we will ask you to note your key symptoms and then note the changes at the end of each session. At the end of the 6 weeks, you will get a visual report sharing your health changes and improvements.