Over 70% of women say their menopause symptoms affect them on a daily basis

Many businesses are now adding menopause workshops and education to their wellness strategies to ensure they are supporting women through their menopause journey.

Despite the menopause being a natural transition, many women still feel there is a huge stigma attached to it. In the workplace this seems to be exacerbated with women feeling if they mention their symptoms they may be seen as incapable of doing their job or passed over for promotion.

My work with corporates helps to change the whole company dialogue and attitude around the menopause offering seminars for both men and women and starting from the grass-roots up. Speaking to the team member and empowering them with knowledge and where to get support whilst working within the company’s corporate wellness strategy.

The biggest changes in the workplace will come when we have an open dialogue, education for all team members and a support structure within the business. This looks different for every business I work with and so a café style approach is what I help businesses develop.

"Critical to women in leadership"

Feedback from a seminar delivered to Liberis Ltd.

the rebalance clinic yorkshire



My work is always bespoke to a company's needs and demographic, working inline with your wellness strategy. I offer online and in-person sessions for groups and individuals.

All seminars are focused on education, empowerment and  debunking myths. I explain how women can affect their menopause experience and help them start to build their menopause rebalance toolkit.

Contact Me

menopause in the workplace

Some examples of seminars I have given are:

  • Navigating the menopause
  • Demystifying menopause symptoms
  • How to prepare for your menopause in your 20’s and 30’s
  • How managers and business leaders can support women as they go though the menopause
  • Hormonal balance -  from periods , fertility to menopause what can you do to help rebalance your hormones.
  • Seated auricular acupuncture treatment for groups
  • Breathing workshops for all team members to reset the vagus nerve and reduce anxiety.
Get In Touch

"We asked Claire from The Rebalance Clinic to come and talk to our team at work about the Menopause as well as general gut health. We had both male and female colleagues attend the presentation which was very insightful and engaging.

Claire is clearly very knowledgeable and passionate about her subject matter.

The feedback from the team was 100% positive and many followed up to book a private 1-1 consultation with Claire off the back of her session. I now know a lot more about the changes the female (and male) body goes through during menopause and have a much better understanding of how to maintain a healthy gut microbiome.

Personally my overall health has improved by adopting some small changes to my diet which has had a positive impact on things like sleep quality, digestion and cognitive ability. I’ve also noticed some positive changes with our employees. Overall and excellent session and I’m sure we’ll do more."

Paul Connolly, Managing Director, 300 North – The Facilities Management Recruitment Experts

Get In Touch

All of the work I do with businesses, corporates and organisations is bespoke and tailored to your wellbeing objectives.

Get in touch with me if you would like to explore how we can support your workforce with hormonal balance, stress relief, anxiety and menopause.


The feedback below has been anonymously collected from participants of corporate wellness sessions focusing on menopause.

"Critical to women in leadership"
“I thought it was super helpful and I learnt quite a bit - Claire is obviously super knowledgeable. She gave us the main takeaways at the end in a very clear and concise manner.”
“Loved it. So much information I didn’t know it was a revelation.”
“I love your idea and tips on how building a menopause toolkit that suits my life. I am definitely going to do this.”
“This is the first time I have ever really understood what is happening to me. I hope these workshops become more regular“