Managing holistically a medically induced menop...
Facing breast cancer is a huge challenge but I was surprised by the lack of holistic health advice on managing a medically induced menopause during chemotherapy. In this post I...
Managing holistically a medically induced menop...
Facing breast cancer is a huge challenge but I was surprised by the lack of holistic health advice on managing a medically induced menopause during chemotherapy. In this post I...
Which magnesium is right for me?
Confused as to which magnesium is right for you ? In this blog post we explore the different types of magnesium their benefits and why you might want to be...
Which magnesium is right for me?
Confused as to which magnesium is right for you ? In this blog post we explore the different types of magnesium their benefits and why you might want to be...
The Four Phases of The Menstrual Cycle
In this blog post I’m explaining the 4 phases of the menstrual cycle. I am still so surprised that as women we are never taught enough about this major, life...
The Four Phases of The Menstrual Cycle
In this blog post I’m explaining the 4 phases of the menstrual cycle. I am still so surprised that as women we are never taught enough about this major, life...
Let’s talk Menopause and the Workplace
Menopause is a natural phase of life that all women experience and yet we still find it a hushed subject with many women not feeling able to talk openly about...
Let’s talk Menopause and the Workplace
Menopause is a natural phase of life that all women experience and yet we still find it a hushed subject with many women not feeling able to talk openly about...
The role of Hormonal Blood tests and health checks
Imagine if 10 years ago you had had regular blood tests (even as little a twice a year) and so, as you enter menopause you can see exactly what has...
The role of Hormonal Blood tests and health checks
Imagine if 10 years ago you had had regular blood tests (even as little a twice a year) and so, as you enter menopause you can see exactly what has...